2020. 2. 16. 12:07ㆍ카테고리 없음
Embed this ProgramAdd this Program to your website by copying the code below.PreviewPreview. Potentially unstableWith over ten years of releases and a place as the number one BitTorrent download, uTorrent has created a fast, efficient way of downloading content. UTorrent Beta is the latest release featuring new and potentially unpolished extra features which may be desired by the more technologically advanced users or those wishing to act as testers for the update.
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For this reason, most general users should stick with the standard release. The beta version is constantly upgraded with new features, some of which are then removed. Examples of these occasional updates have included disk optimization, device connection changes and faster torrent resuming. Alongside these experimental extras, uTorrent Beta also has everything from the previous stable release including variable download speed, mass file management and the lightweight total package uTorrent has become famous for.